Ελληνική Ιστορία 1940-49 .Ένα έθνος σε κρίση

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Ελληνική Ιστορία 1940-49 .Ένα έθνος σε κρίση
Ελληνική Ιστορία 1940-49 .Ένα έθνος σε κρίση
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Oι σοβαροί ξένοι ιστορικοί ΔΕ ΜΑΣΑΝΕ ΤΙΠΟΤΑ από τα παραμυθάκια του ΕΛΑΣ για δήθεν "αντίσταση" ΚΑΙ ΤΟΝ ΞΕΜΠΡΟΣΤΙΑΖΟΥΝ ΑΓΡΙΩΣ !!!!!!

Πήγαινε κάτω

Oι σοβαροί ξένοι ιστορικοί  ΔΕ  ΜΑΣΑΝΕ ΤΙΠΟΤΑ από τα παραμυθάκια  του  ΕΛΑΣ  για  δήθεν  "αντίσταση"  ΚΑΙ ΤΟΝ ΞΕΜΠΡΟΣΤΙΑΖΟΥΝ ΑΓΡΙΩΣ  !!!!!! Empty Oι σοβαροί ξένοι ιστορικοί ΔΕ ΜΑΣΑΝΕ ΤΙΠΟΤΑ από τα παραμυθάκια του ΕΛΑΣ για δήθεν "αντίσταση" ΚΑΙ ΤΟΝ ΞΕΜΠΡΟΣΤΙΑΖΟΥΝ ΑΓΡΙΩΣ !!!!!!

Δημοσίευση  ΔΑΙΔΑΛΟΣ Σαβ Απρ 19, 2014 4:52 am

Oι σοβαροί ξένοι ιστορικοί  ΔΕ  ΜΑΣΑΝΕ ΤΙΠΟΤΑ από τα παραμυθάκια  του  ΕΛΑΣ  για  δήθεν  "αντίσταση"  ΚΑΙ ΤΟΝ ΞΕΜΠΡΟΣΤΙΑΖΟΥΝ ΑΓΡΙΩΣ  !!!!!! Kenneth%20Macksey-1x3a
Kenneth Macksey
1 July 1923 – 30 November 2005)

Από  τους  εγκυρότερους  ιστορικούς  για  το  Β' ΠΠ.
Ιδού  τι  γράφει στις  σελίδες  229-230 στο βιβλίο  του "Oι αντάρτες  της Ευρώπης στο  Β'  ΠΠ":

...........................When it became apparent that the Germans were at last set upon withdrawal, the Allied reaction was twofold; to expedite the Operation Noah’s Ark sabotage scheme against the Axis communications, and to ensure stable government while the work of rehabilitating a population beset by famine was started. Concerning Noah’s Ark, however, it must be recorded that the Greek guerrillas, above all EAM/ELAS, preferred to avoid the Germans, happy to see them depart as a prelude to the internecine struggle they sought. Such damage as was inflicted upon the old enemy was by Allied special forces: British commandos and the Special Boat Squadron, the American OGs and the Greek right-wing EDES under Zervas. They disrupted the railways, without completely stopping traffic, and ambushed convoys, but caused only a minute proportion of enemy losses.

                              Rather more important, they seized landing grounds in readiness for the main Allied forces when they chose to arrive. But already, despite an agreement to withhold, the rival political parties were jostling to seize the reins of government in the aftermath of the German withdrawal. The guerrilla effort, therefore, was intermittent, only partially successful and far from the “crowning mercy” they claimed it to be; the principal damage to the old enemy almost certainly fell to the credit of the air forces.Nor did British land forces, arriving with perfect timing on the heels of the Germans, make a large contribution. Though it is obvious that the Allies possessed thorough intelligence of high-level German intentions (having, as they did, knowledge of the German cipher), their tackling of the enemy was defective. Pursuit of a swiftly fleeing foe was hampered by lines of communication which the Germans, as usual, had desolated, completing the job begun by the partisans, and brought to an advanced state of disruption by the air forces. In any case the British were heavily committed to saving Greek lives, in a population at starvation point, and in preventing the slaughter o indigenous units which had helped keep order on behalf of the Germans.

Already, however, disquieting Communist propaganda was souring relations. When, for example, ELAS stood back while British troops, at loss to themselves, defeated a German column, it was not to be expected that the British would take kindly to a Communist newspaper report which gave all the credit to ELAS and ignored the British contribution. Yet this was the realistic trend of Communist propaganda in its efforts to persuade the Greek people, and the world, that they alone were responsible for the liberation of the country. In due course ELAS’s claims for Germans killed amounted to fifty thousand, whereas the Germans admit to only some seven thousand killed and wounded, many of whom probably fell to other agencies, few to ELAS

Oι σοβαροί ξένοι ιστορικοί  ΔΕ  ΜΑΣΑΝΕ ΤΙΠΟΤΑ από τα παραμυθάκια  του  ΕΛΑΣ  για  δήθεν  "αντίσταση"  ΚΑΙ ΤΟΝ ΞΕΜΠΡΟΣΤΙΑΖΟΥΝ ΑΓΡΙΩΣ  !!!!!! Partisans-of-europe-in-wwii-by-kenneth-macksey-1975-1st-.-isbn-0246105747-1903-p

Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 2845
Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 28/03/2010
Τόπος :

Επιστροφή στην κορυφή Πήγαινε κάτω

Επιστροφή στην κορυφή

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